Basic pancake recipe

綜合評分 8.3
Hello folks! This is Aidana here. 這是我最愛做的松餅食譜。我用英文來解釋它的做法。中文是世界上最難的語言!



  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤1

    First break the 3 eggs into a jag or bowl.

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤2

    Now pour the 1 pint of milk into the eggs

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤3

    Now whisk the eggs and flour together.

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤4

    Now add all the dry ingredients. First the 1 lb of self rising flour, then the 6 oz of caster sugar and the 3 spoons of baking powder

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤5

    Whisk them all together like this.

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤6

    Now leave the batter to rise for about 1 hour

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤7

    Then take a big spoon and beat the batter to a thick dropping consistency.  If you think it is thick add some milk

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤8

    Now heat your pan on a medium heat. And grease your frying pan with butter. 用黃油grease

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤9

    Leave them cook on one side about 3 minutes. They should be evenly browned on the both sides

  • Basic pancake recipe的做法 步骤10

    Go on making them all. Bon appetite

