Microwave Molten Chocolate Mug Cake

綜合評分 8.8
Copy and paste from the following website. It has pictures step by step and also useful tips for making the lava part. http://cleobuttera.com/cakes/molten-chocolate-mug-cake/



  • In a 2-cup capacity microwave-safe mug* (see note), whisk together with a fork, the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt until well combined.

  • Add in the melted butter, milk, egg and vanilla. Whisk well to combine, making sure to mix in the flour mixture in the bottom.

  • Place the chocolate pieces in the center of the mug. Do not push down; it will sink as it bakes.

  • Drizzle the tablespoon of water right on top of the batter.

  • Cook in microwave on full power for 1 minute and 20 seconds to 2 minutes (1 minute and 25 seconds is my magic number), or until the cake rises to the top, the edges look set but the center looks ever-so-slighly wet and shiny but not raw, and sticks slightly to the finger when touched. Do NOT overbake to ensure that saucy, molten-y interior. If the center still looks raw then give it another 5 to 10 seconds. The cake will fall after it comes out of the microwave.

  • Let it cool for about 5 minutes so you don't burn your tongue, but the waiting also help thicken the sauce in the bottom.


* A short mug with a wide mouth works best for this recipe. If not available, a small bowl could be used instead. To know if your mug/or bowl is the right size, pour 2 cups of water in it and this should fill it to the top. * If trying to avoid the microwave, this cake could be baked in a 400F/200C oven for 10 to 15 minutes.



Microwave Molten Chocolate Mug Cake
Flour,Granulated sugar,Unsweetened cocoa powder,Baking powder,Salt,Melted butter,Milk,Egg,Vanilla extract,Water
綜合評分 8.8
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Flour,Baking powder,Salt,Cocoa powder,Sugar,Instant coffee,Milk,Oil
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Ground flaxseed,Egg,Unsweetened cocoa powder,Unsweetened almond milk,Salt,Baking powder,Sweetener of choice,Chocolate bar
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Applesauce,Oil,Buttermilk,Vanilla extract,Flour,Brown sugar,Ground cinnamon,Ground nutmeg,salt,Cream cheese icing
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Unsalted butter,Dark chocolate,Egg,Milk,Sugar,Salt,Flour,Baking powder,Peanut butter,Coarsely chopped peanuts
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chocolate flourless cake
chocolate,butter,Cocoa,salt,egg yolks,sugar1,egg whites,sugar2
綜合評分 9.8