【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包Oopsie Bread low carb/gluten-free

綜合評分 7.2
轉載自https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/oopsie-bread#comments 食譜是6份的用量 1 tbsp=15 ml 1 tsp=5 ml 1 oz=28 g 1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml Fat 75% Protein 22% Carbs 2% 0 g carbs / serving



  • 蛋黃和蛋清分離。(容器無油無水)Separate the eggs, with the egg whites in one bowl and the egg yolks in another.

  • 蛋白加鹽打發至堅挺。檢驗標準︰倒轉容器蛋白也不會移動。Whip egg whites together with salt until very stiff. You should be able to turn the bowl over without the egg whites moving.

  • 充分混合蛋黃和奶油乳酪。可以加入洋車前子殼和泡打粉(使成品更像面包)。Mix the egg yolks and the cream cheese well. If you want, add the psyllium seed husk and baking powder (this makes the Oopsie more bread-like).

  • 將蛋白小心拌入蛋黃糊,注意避免消泡。Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mix – try to keep the air in the egg whites.

  • 完成的'面糊'分成6大份或8小份,平攤在烤盤上。Put 6 large or 8 smaller oopsies on a baking tray.

  • 【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包Oopsie Bread low carb/gluten-free的做法 步骤6

    烤箱中層150℃,大約烤制25分鐘直至變成金色。Bake in the middle of the oven at 150° C (300° F) for about 25 minutes – until they turn golden.


洋車前子粉︰ https://www.amazon.com/Now-Foods-Psyllium-Powder-24-Ounce/dp/B002RWUNYM/?th=1 You can have an Oopsie as a sandwich or use it as a bun for a hotdog or hamburger. You can also put different kinds of seeds on them before baking them, for instance poppy, sesame or sunflower seeds. One big Oopsie can be used to make a swiss roll: Add a generous layer of whipped cream and some berries. Enjoy.



【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包Oopsie Bread low carb/gluten-free
雞蛋egg,奶油乳酪cream cheese,鹽salt,洋車前子粉ground psyllium husk powder,泡打粉baking powder
綜合評分 7.2
【生酮ketogenic】低碳水巧克力布朗尼 low carb/gluten free
軟化的黃油 softened butter,無糖可可粉 unsweetened cocoa powder,雞蛋 eggs,香草精 vanilla,無糖椰蓉 desiccated/shredded coconut unsweetened,杏仁粉 almond flour/meal,泡打粉 baking powder,漿果 berries of choice
綜合評分 7.2
【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包 The Low-Carb Bread
杏仁粉almond flour,洋車前子粉ground psyllium husk powder,泡打粉baking powder,海鹽sea salt,蘋果醋apple cider vinegar,開水boiling water,蛋白egg whites,芝麻sesame seeds
綜合評分 7.0
【生酮ketogenic】薄荷冰淇淋 無糖無蛋 low carb/gluten-free
牛油果avocado,scooped out,無糖杏仁奶unsweetened almond milk,多脂鮮奶油heavy cream,酸橙汁/檸檬汁(可選)lime/lemon juice (optional),薄荷提取物(薄荷粉)mint extract,海鹽調味fine sea salt to taste,融化的椰子油coconut oil melted,無糖可可粉cocoa powder unsweetened,甜葉菊粉或其他甜味劑powdered stevia or sweetener of choice,香草vanilla,海鹽調味fine sea salt to taste
綜合評分 7.0
【生酮ketogenic】低碳水黑巧克力蛋糕 Dark Chocolate Cake
黃油 butter,雞蛋 eggs,鹽 salt,香草精 vanilla extract
綜合評分 7.0
【生酮ketogenic】低碳水蛋黃醬/沙拉醬 Mayonnaise
蛋黃 egg yolk,第戎芥末 Dijon mustard,淡味橄欖油 light olive oil,白葡萄酒醋或檸檬汁 white wine vinegar or lemon juice
綜合評分 7.1
【生酮ketogenic】低碳水凱撒沙拉醬Low-Carb Caesar Dressing
帕馬森芝士碎 grated parmesan cheese,橄欖油 olive oil,第戎芥末 Dijon mustard,紅酒醋 red wine vinegar,黑胡椒粉 ground black pepper,蒜末 garlic clove, grated,鹽 salt,鳳尾魚片 anchovies filets,檸檬汁 lemon, the juice
綜合評分 8.7
almonds(扁桃仁),pecans(山核桃),butter (melted)(融化的黃油),protein powder(蛋白粉),cinnamon(肉桂粉),liquid stevia(液體甜葉菊),salt(鹽),cream cheese(奶油乳酪),erythritol(赤蘚糖醇),liquid stevia(液體甜葉菊),eggs(雞蛋),vanilla extract(香草精),fresh lemon juice(新鮮檸檬汁),sour cream(酸奶油),pink Himalayan salt(喜馬拉雅粉鹽)
綜合評分 9.6
butter(黃油),unsweetened baker's chocolate(100%黑巧克力),heavy cream(鮮奶油),powdered erythritol(赤蘚糖醇粉)(用代糖即可),vanilla extract(香草精),salt(鹽)
綜合評分 8.9
butter(黃油),unsweetened baker's chocolate(100%黑巧克力),heavy cream(鮮奶油),powdered erythritol(赤蘚糖醇粉)(用代糖即可),vanilla extract(香草精),salt(鹽)
綜合評分 8.5