Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Cup 微波爐巧克力豆軟曲奇

綜合評分 9.4
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  • Start by melting your butter in the microwave. Butter should just be melted, not boiling. 微波爐融化黃油,不要過熱到沸騰

  • Add sugars, vanilla and salt. Stir to combine. 加糖,香草精,鹽,攪勻

  • Separate your egg and add the yolk only to your cup. Stir to combine. 加蛋黃,攪勻

  • Add flour, then stir again. Measure a scant, slightly less than full, ¼ cup of all-purpose flour. 加麪粉攪勻

  • Add the chocolate chips, and give a final stir. Now your mixture will look like cookie dough. 加巧克力豆,稍微攪一下

  • Cook in microwave 40-60 seconds, start checking for doneness at 40 seconds. Mine takes 50 seconds. Do not cook past one minute, just like a regular cookie, this will continue cooking as it cools. If the cookie is dry or cake like, try less time. 微波爐加熱40秒後注意成熟度,最好不超過一分鐘。因為之後放置冷卻還需要時間,這個過程也在加熱餅乾。如果最終餅乾太乾就需要減少微波的時間了

