三文魚Filo Pie

綜合評分 9.6



  • Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Put the leeks into a large saucepan with 3 tbsp water and a couple of knobs of butter. Cover, then cook for 10 mins until tender. Remove from the pan, allow to cool, then mix with the cream cheese and some seasoning.

  • To assemble the parcels, brush a sheet of pastry with melted butter, then lay 2 more sheets on top, brushing butter between each layer. Place a salmon fillet in the centre, season, then spoon over half the leek mix. Fold the ends over the top, pull up the sides and scrunch together to enclose. Repeat.

  • 三文魚Filo Pie的做法 步骤3

    Brush both the parcels with melted butter. Put onto a lightly greased baking sheet, then cook for 20-25 mins until browned and crisp. Delicious served with a green salad

