
綜合評分 9.8
最近研究怎麼給寶寶吃更健康的烘焙,雖然之前做的方子也都減糖減油了,但總是吃還是怕寶寶膽固醇和糖粉攝入太多。糖可以用木糖醇的代糖,那麼黃油可以用什麼代替呢? 看到國外有很多用牛油果替代黃油的烘焙介紹,所以決定從簡單的餅干試試看。



  • 以下外國網站摘抄︰ Avocado can be substituted for many ingredients in your baking such as butter, shortening, eggs, oil, mayonnaise, and sour cream.(牛油果可以替代烘焙配方中的黃油,起酥油,,蛋,油,蛋黃醬和酸奶油). Naturally the avocado will give the dough a slight green color which it maintains even after it is baked. But the great thing is that after it is baked you are unable to taste the avocado.

  • Avocado is almost like a butter, and just like butter it has a soft and creamy texture. You may have to do some experimenting, but in general you can simply substitute 1 cup of avocado for 1 cup of butter(1:1替代黃油). You may have to increase other liquids as the avocado does not melt like butter(需要稍微增加液體的量)

  • When substituting avocado for eggs in your baking, start by substituting 2 tbsp. to 1/4 cup mashed avocado for each egg(2tbsp蛋液替換1/4牛油果糊).

  • Avocado will make your cakes rise up higher in the center, and in some occasions may even cave. It also browns quicker, and therefore your cake may look well done on the outside, but the inside may still be doughy. To avoid these things from happening, reduce your oven temperature by about 25 percent and increase your baking time.

  • When you substitute avocado for another fat, you’re getting about 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and "good fats" as opposed to saturated. You’re also reducing the amount of calories in your dish. For instance, 2 tablespoons of avocado only has 50 calories, compared to 2 tablespoons of butter that has more than four times that amount. And it’s easy to swap in (易攪拌)— usually you can just swap 1 cup of butter or oil for 1 cup of avocado. However, with eggs it’s a different story. Substitute 2 tablespoons to ¼ cup mashed avocado per egg.

  • Because of the high quantity of water in an avocado, your baked goods like breads and muffins will come out of the oven much softer and less likely to crumble than if you were to use butter. (因牛油果里水分多,所以用它替代黃油烤出的面包和馬芬會更軟更不易掉渣)However, make sure to note that when using avocado in cakes and breads, the baked goods may rise higher and brown quicker(但用牛油果替代黃油會使蛋糕或面包發的更高,並且更快上色). To avoid these things from happening,

