蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread

綜合評分 8.5
這是我的自創方子,歡迎嘗試 This is my personal recipe, welcome to try it out



  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤1

    黃油軟化後拌入糖和全蛋液,攪拌器攪拌一分鐘. Keep butter out of fridge till soft, add sugar and egg, blend for 1 min

  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤2

    加入切碎的蔓越梅,繼續攪拌半分鐘 Add diced cranberry, then blend for another 30 second

  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤3

    最後低粉過篩撒入蔓越梅黃油中,用手和成麪糰 Sift the cake flour to the cranberry and butter mix, use one hand to knead to a perfect dough.

  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤4

    用雙手把麪糰整成長方體狀,放進冰箱冷凍層凍半小時。 Knead the dough to a long rectangle shape, freeze for 30 minutes.

  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤5

    取出凍好的餅乾體,切成0.5cm薄片 Cut the half frozen biscuit block into 0.5cm slices

  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤6

    這時可以將烤箱設定到170度預熱,將切好的餅乾片放進烤盤,注意之間要保持適當間距,因為在烤制中餅乾會相應變大。 Preheat the oven at 170 degrees. Place all biscuit slices into the baking tray with sufficient space between each other cause biscuits will increase in size during baking.

  • 蔓越梅餅乾 Cranberry Shortbread的做法 步骤7

    將烤盤放入烤箱底層,170度烤20分鐘即可。 注意:烤好後不要碰餅乾,因為剛出爐的餅乾很易碎. Place baking tray in the lower lever of the oven, 170 degrees for 20 minutes. Notes: Do not touch the biscuits if they just come out of the oven. Biscuits are soft and easy to break at this stage.

  • 等烤好的蔓越梅餅乾冷卻後,裝入密封瓶儲藏。 Wait till they cool down, place cranberry shortbread in a airtight cookie jar.

